
  • Drug Class:
    Oral Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
  • Active Life:
    14-16 hours
  • Average Dose:
    30-60mg men | 5-20mg women
  • Liver Toxicity:
  • Aromatization rate:
  • DHT Conversion:
  • Decrease HPTA function:
  • Anabolic/ Androgenic rate:
  • Units:
    10 mg/tab
  • Active Substance:



Turinadex | Buy Oral Turinabol | Turinabol for Sale in USA

Turinadex by Sciroxx offers premium Oral Turinabol (Tbol), a highly effective anabolic steroid known for its lean muscle-building effects, performance-enhancing capabilities, and low side effects profile. Whether you’re a bodybuilder or athlete, Turinadex provides powerful results, making it a popular choice for both recomposition & cutting cycles. If you're looking to buy Turinabol or searching for Turinabol for sale in the USA or anywhere globally, Turinadex delivers unmatched quality and the best price online.

What is Turinabol | Turinabol vs Dianabol  (Dbol)

Turinabol (4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone) is an oral anabolic steroid that promotes lean muscle gains with low androgenic impact. Turinabol is a direct derivative of Dianabol (Dbol); however, the small change in Dbol’s structure prevents Turinabol from converting to estrogen, unlike Dianabol. Estrogen, the female hormone, is associated with extra fluid retention both inside and outside of muscle tissue, as well as other side effects such as gynecomastia (man boobs). As a result, Oral Turinabol doesn't cause noticeable water retention, while maintaining a strong anabolic effect. Accordingly, Turinadex is favored for its ability to provide clean, long-lasting muscle growth while supporting measurable strength and performance gains. It’s an excellent choice for athletes seeking steady gains without the excessive bulk often associated with other compounds like its progenitor, Dianabol. Overall, while Dianabol will put more noticeable kilograms on your frame faster, it is typically accompanied by water retention and a broader side effect profile.

Turinabol Benefits & Results Summary

  • Lean Muscle Growth: Unlike Dbol, Turinabol promotes steady, clean muscle gains without water retention or excessive weight gain.
  • Minimal Side Effects: Turinadex is known for its mild nature, making it a preferred option for users seeking low-risk muscle gains.
  • Improved Strength & Performance: Turinabol offers distinct improvements in strength, power, and muscle endurance with minimal weight gain. It supports a favorable strength-to-weight ratio, ideal for multiple sports like track & field and martial arts. Bodybuilders will benefit from enhanced performance and training intensity, which is fundamental to their progress.
  • Turinabol for Recomp & Cutting Cycles: Tbol can be used in cutting cycles to retain lean muscle mass while reducing body fat. It supports recomposition by promoting muscle tissue while reducing fat deposits.

Turinabol Dosage, Half-Life & Cycle Guide

A typical Turinadex cycle lasts between 4-8 weeks, with recommended dosages ranging from 30-60mg per day (for men), depending on goals and experience. Turinabol’s half-life is around 16 hours, requiring users to take a single daily dose or, preferably, split it into two doses for consistent levels. Turinabol works well in stacks with Testosterone or Boldenone for muscle gains, or  for fat loss & cutting cycles with Primobolan or Trenbolone for more advanced users. For more detailed information, check here - Turinabol.

Turinabol Reviews & Stacks

Many users report excellent results with Turinadex, citing quality muscle gains and enhanced performance without the bloating common in other steroids. For those seeking Turinabol results before and after, sticking to a well-planned cycle log will help facilitate optimal results. You may find more detailed information here - Oral Turinabol

Turinabol vs Anavar

Turinabol is often compared to Anavar, another highly popular anabolic steroid. Both steroids are derivatives of DHT, meaning they cannot be converted to estrogen. Both are excellent for cutting cycles. Anavar is considered gentler and more tolerable, even for women and older users. It also places less strain on the liver as it is primarily eliminated through the kidneys. Turinabol, however, provides exceptional strength and performance gains with effective anabolic results, while still showing a low risk of side effects.

Where to Get Turinabol? | Oral Turinabol for Sale | Buy Turinabol with Credit Card | Turinabol for Sale in USA

If you're wondering where to get Turinabol, look no further than Sciroxx. At Sciroxx, we offer Turinabol for sale with a focus on delivering real pharmaceutical-grade quality. Our Turinadex, real USP-quality Oral Turinabol, is available for purchase with multiple secure payment options, including the option to buy Turinabol with credit card. We also ensure swift, safe, and discreet shipping to any location.

For customers in the USA, we offer a dedicated domestic service, so if you're specifically searching for Turinabol for sale in the USA, Sciroxx is your trusted source. With competitive Turinabol prices and our commitment to quality, we ensure that you're getting the best value and service. Whether you need Turinabol for sale for bodybuilding, performance enhancement, or fitness goals, Sciroxx provides unmatched quality and customer support.

When you buy Turinabol from Sciroxx, you are not only getting top-quality products but also benefiting from the most reliable service in the industry. We provide Turinabol for sale in the USA, as well as globally, with the safest, swiftest, and most discreet delivery. Our team of experts is always available online for any assistance or advice you may need. All in all, with Sciroxx, you can confidently buy Turinabol knowing that you are in the best hands.